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Prepare to weather the storm

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If living in the wake of a pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that you can never really be too prepared. Understanding health risk factors and stocking our homes with supplies (but not piled high with a hoard!) have become front and center for nearly all Americans during the last several weeks. In the spirit of proactive preparation, it’s time to prepare ourselves and our homes during tornado season.

First things first, while we typically think of tornado season as spring and summer in Texas, these storms do not adhere to a rule book. Meteorologists advise having a plan in place year-round. In 2019, more than 1,500 tornadoes were confirmed in the United States. While making an emergency weather plan may not be your favorite pastime, we recommend every homeowner, buyer and renter has a strategy.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

• Know the threat. The National Weather Service recommends tracking severe storms on local news or a weather radio. Many stations now offer detailed weather apps with notifications for severe weather to help residents track storms regardless of location. Remember to turn off your phone’s “Do Not Disturb” function if you need to receive alerts overnight.
• Create a plan. Every strategy starts with a good communications plan. Everyone in your home should know where to go in the event of a severe thunderstorm or tornado. Storms develop quickly and may not allow for time to plan in-the-moment.
o Identify a safe room near the center of your home in a storm cellar, basement or on the ground level with no exterior windows.
o If you live in a mobile home, identify a nearby safe building where you can quickly and reliably seek shelter.
o Consider how everyone will get to your safe room, especially if you have small children or pets that will need assistance.
o Prepare your safe room with necessities for a severe weather event. In a tornado, you will need to wear shoes and cover yourself with a blanket, mattress, or pillows to protect from flying or falling debris.
o Wait for the storm to pass before you emerge from your safe space. If service allows, track the storm on your phone or weather radio to ensure the danger has lifted.
• Practice the plan. Once your plan is in place, practice it from start to finish. You may consider taking precautions during severe storms to ensure everyone knows the drill. If time allows, remember to grab your cell phone and your keys, as you may need these in the aftermath.
• Protect your home and belongings. While no methods are fail-safe in severe weather, it is a good idea to secure loose items in your yard or driveway that may become airborne. In preparation for storms, it is a great idea to ensure your roof and gutters are in good condition, as they create the first lines of defense for your home.

Remember that your personal safety is most important during a severe weather event. Although we hope you never need to put these tools into practice, you should be prepared to weather the storm. Our biggest takeaway from 2020 so far is to prepare for the unexpected. For more home buying, selling and maintenance tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Stay safe and healthy out there, Central Texas!

Join us for virtual home inspections as Austin residents stay-at-home

By | Home Maintenance Tips, Real Estate News | No Comments

Dear friends,

We hope this message finds you safe and healthy. These are unprecedented times. Barfield Home Inspection is here for you and we understand the feeling of uncertainty and the difficulties those in the real estate industry face. We are here to support you. As you may have seen, today Mayor Adler’s shelter-in-place orders take affect in Travis and Williamson counties through Monday, April 13.

Barfield Home Inspection will remain open to serve as many home buyers and sellers as possible during this critical time. ABOR advises no showings in Travis County and limited showings in surrounding areas to avoid in-person interaction as much as possible. Closings should continue as scheduled. In light of these orders and out of an abundance of caution, we are taking extra steps to safeguard you as realtors, sellers and buyers from in-person interaction with our team. The good news is business can continue. Here is how my team and I are conducting home inspections amidst COVID-19:

• Limiting and/or eliminating person-to-person interaction with a VIRTUAL HOME INSPECTION. Homeowners, buyers, and real estate agents do not need to be present at the time of inspection. In an effort to comply with social distancing and offer an added layer of safety for our clients, our team will proceed with the inspection inside the house without occupants inside the house at the time of inspection (approximately three-hour timeframe). Residents are welcome to spend time outside the home in the backyard or take a drive during the inspection.

At the end of the inspection, we will conduct a virtual meeting via FaceTime or Google Duo to recap the inspection and answer any questions. We will then vacate the premises and save the handshakes for later! We are proud to embrace the technology at hand to continue serving home buyers and sellers during this challenging time.

• N95 particulate respirator masks, boot covers and gloves worn at each inspection. We continue to wash and sanitize our hands thoroughly and often. Before and after each inspection we thoroughly wipe down and sanitize all equipment used.

The Barfield Home Inspection team also understands the importance of respirator masks for the medical community who face a shortage. Luckily, as home inspectors, we have this type of equipment on hand. We have reserved the few masks we need for home inspections and have donated the rest to those facing the front lines of the crisis. If there are other ways we can be of service, please contact me directly via text or call (512) 350-0123.

On behalf of the entire Barfield Home Inspection team, thank you for your partnership, your business and your trust. We are honored to continue to serve the Austin real estate community and appreciate your support. We will get through this and be stronger for it. Stay in touch and look for updates from our team by following us on Facebook and Instagram @BarfieldHomeInspection. In the coming weeks, we plan to provide additional resources for you and your clients as we all hunker down at home. Home improvement here we come!

Feel free to get in touch with any questions, and stay healthy out there,

Randy Barfield
Owner, Barfield Home Inspection
(512) 350-0123

A Word About COVID-19, From Our Home to Yours

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Dear Friends,

Our deep Texas skies and budding bluebonnets herald the message that spring will soon be here. However, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is top of mind for all of us, especially those in the process of buying and selling their homes. We want to reassure all of our clients, realtors, home buyers and sellers of the precautions we are taking to protect you in the midst of COVID-19.

At Barfield Home Inspection, we pride ourselves in providing customers with the highest quality of service at all times. As a home inspection team, we enter homes with care each day and are responsible for testing and coming into contact with numerous items in each home. Our commitment, like our Texas heritage, is unwavering. During this time, we are taking thoughtful steps to reassure our clients’ comfort, while providing the same impeccable quality of trusted service we are known for.

Here are a few things you can expect to see from our team in the coming weeks:

  • We will continue to wear boot covers and gloves as part of our normal inspection routine. We also wear face mask respirators in areas such as attics and crawl spaces. The newly recommended protocols for health awareness are nothing new to us and we will continue to use these precautions to protect our health, our clients and their homes.
  • Hand sanitizer is also a standard part of our uniform, and we sanitize our hands regularly. We know that gloves are not a substitute for clean hands, and we wash and sanitize as frequently as possible.
  • No handshakes, we will greet you with a smile instead. Given the recent recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we will not extend our hands until the spread of contagion dissipates. Instead, look for your home inspector to offer an elbow, nod or even a foot bump as a courteous way to say hello!

We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone and appreciate your continued partnership and trust. Feel free to get in touch with any questions or concerns about our home inspection process. Visit the CDC website for the latest updates and information to protect your home and loved ones.

From our house to yours, we wish you safety and well-being. Stay healthy out there,

– Randy Barfield

Spring forward to sell your home

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Daylight saving time kicks off this weekend, and although we aren’t excited about the loss of precious sleep, we are looking gratefully forward to longer days, bright sunshine and warm Texas spring weather. While you’re busy checking your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, this is also a great time for sellers in Austin’s competitive real estate market to ready their home for buyers. Although it’s still a bit early to plant flowers, here are a few tips to spring forward in your home sale:

  • A clean, sparkling home will invite buyers and direct attention to all the right spaces. Start by cleaning your windows, inside and out, and wash your blinds to make an instant eye-opening difference. While you’re poking around the eyes of your home, be sure to inspect the weather stripping and caulking, which may be in need of repair.
  • Showcase the exterior of your home by mowing the lawn. A fresh cut will help remove leaves and other debris, leaving your yard clean and fresh. This is also a great time to cut back hedges around your home to maximize bright sunshine indoors. Visit the Central Texas Gardener for specific tips and tricks that can help boost your home’s curb appeal this spring.
  • Lower your gaze and take a long, hard look at your floors. The appearance of your floors can leave a lasting impression on prospective buyers, and you want to be sure it’s the right one! Start by vacuuming and mopping, but consider a professional cleaning or refinishing if needed.

In Austin’s hot market, buyers need to be as amply prepared as sellers. Here are a few tips for those looking to move into a new home this spring:

  • Know your credit score and budget. Our friends in the mortgage lending business will tell you this is a crucial part of the process. If you need help finding a lender, give us a call – we know excellent professionals who would be delighted to help you along your home-buying journey. Be sure to factor in closing costs, property taxes and insurance.
  • Once you are committed to buying in the upcoming months, contact your lender to get preapproved for a mortgage loan. While this is not a commitment or rate guarantee, getting preapproved will speed up the process down the road (which could give you the edge in a competitive market!).
  • Know who you want to work with. The right real estate agent and mortgage lender can make the process much less stressful and more enjoyable. Be sure to work with individuals who understand your needs, wants and priorities. When you’re ready to purchase a home and need an inspector you can trust, call Randy Barfield and the Barfield Home Inspection team. We’ve been telling it like it is since 2003 and would love to help you into the home of your dreams.

For more home buying, selling, maintenance and inspection tips, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and tune into our new podcast “Under the Roof with Randy Barfield,” now streaming on Spotify and Stitcher!

Under the Roof with Randy Barfield: Podcast coming soon!

By | Home Maintenance Tips, Podcast | No Comments

We’re proud to present “Under the Roof with Randy Barfield,” streaming on a device near you in early 2020! This monthly podcast will cover home buying, home inspections, home maintenance, home selling and everything you need to know about homes, especially in the booming Austin market.

Take a listen now for more about what’s to come, and stay tuned for new monthly episodes airing soon!

Recovering from winter’s wrath

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Whether you experienced a little snowfall, sleet, or just a lot of rain, Central Texas has officially absorbed a lot of precipitation recently. Now that the stormy winter weather is behind us, we can’t wait to soak up the sun. Before you start celebrating, here are a few items you may want to assess around your home now that the rainwaters have subsided:

  • Wind damage. Major forces are not necessary to cause upheaval on top of your house. Moderate wind, downed trees and limbs can impact the structural integrity of your roof and gutters.
  • Hail damage. “Maybe those were just really large raindrops” are words uttered by many a hopeful Texan. Unfortunately, Texas sits at the top of the hail damage list in the United States, and Weather Underground reports that since 2008, $10 billion in hail insurance claims have been filed each year. When heavy hailstones rocket toward your home with tremendous speed and force, disaster can strike for your shingles and gutters.

The amount of damage from rain, wind and hail can vary greatly depending on a few conditions:

  • Wind direction
  • Hailstone size and density
  • Building materials (For example, hailstones can ding aluminum, crack asphalt or even puncture the roof).
  • Protection from natural barriers like other structures and large trees

When you need someone to inspect your roof and assess the damage, call Randy at Barfield Home Inspection. At Barfield Home Inspection, we’ve been telling it like it is since 2003. When you’re buying a home, we would love to be the trusted voice that can help. Give us a call today at 512-350-0123 and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates from out in the field.

How Groundhog Day Could Affect Your Pipes

By | Home Maintenance Tips, Seasonal Home Maintenance | No Comments

The fate of Central Texas’ “winter” of 2020 all comes down to one day: February 2. On Sunday, Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil will emerge from his burrow to look for his shadow. If he sees it, we can prep for six weeks of cold weather, but if he doesn’t see his shadow (due to a cloudy, shadowless day), bring on spring! While this iconic holiday is built on the pillars of American legend and lore, the team at Barfield Home Inspection want to ensure your home is prepared, just in case winter strikes!

With a careful eye on the forecast, February is generally the coldest month in our region. This is a great time to double-check the insulation on your pipes to ensure your water stays hot and your pipes stay open. Pipe insulation can help to save energy all year, and avoid plumbing catastrophes that can result in flooding and mold.

Check out this helpful guide from the folks at Home Depot for installing fiberglass pipe wrap and tubular insulation (pipe sticks):

To help ensure the highest quality of insulation, be sure to disconnect exterior garden hoses and use caulk to seal any cracks or holes near water pipes.

Have a great Groundhog Day and stay warm, regardless of what that Phil says! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest tips, tricks and real estate news from the Austin, Texas area.

Why the GFCI?

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If you’ve ever woken up to a coffee pot that didn’t brew to its programmed specifications after an overnight storm, you know the frustration of a tripped outlet. While you may reset your ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet automatically and wait impatiently for your first cup of morning joe, ruminate on this: That GFCI may have just saved your life.

An electrical system can experience a number of different faults. Simply put, a fault is any abnormal flow of electricity. A ground-fault occurs when there is a break in the low-resistance grounding path from a tool or electrical system and the electrical current takes an alternative path to the ground. The danger comes in when a person enters the path of least resistance from the electrical current to the ground. Unfortunately, this can result in a serious shock or in extreme cases, death.

Before we get too grim, push pause on the panic and turn your attention to the GFCI. The GFCI, commonly found in residences, is a fast-acting circuit breaker designed to shut off electric power in the event of a ground-fault within as little as 1/40 of a second. It works by comparing the amount of current going to and returning from equipment along the circuit conductors. When the amount going differs from the amount returning by approximately 5 milliamperes, the GFCI interrupts the current.

According to OSHA,
“The GFCI is rated to trip quickly enough to prevent an electrical incident. If it is properly installed and maintained, this will happen as soon as the faulty tool is plugged in. If the grounding conductor is not intact or of low-impedance, the GFCI may not trip until a person provides a path. In this case, the person will receive a shock, but the GFCI should trip so quickly that the shock will not be harmful.”

Additionally, the GFCI protects against fires, overheating and destruction of wire insulation. Here are a few tips to help ensure you GFCI outlets stay in good working order:

  • Check the operation of all ground-fault circuit interrupter outlets by pushing the “test” button. The “reset” button should pop out indicating the receptacle is operating properly.
  • Check the GFCI safety breaker in your electrical panel. The buttons are typically white, yellow, or purple. Once the breaker has been tripped, move the breaker all the way to the “Off” position and then flip to the “On” position. If any breakers or outlets do not reset, contact a licensed electrical contractor to further evaluate.

While you may be shocked to learn the importance of your GFCI outlets, we hope this information is helpful and keeps you from experiencing an actual electrical charge. For more tips and tricks, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Happy circuit testing!

What to expect from the Austin market in 2020

By | Home Maintenance Tips, Real Estate News | No Comments

With the holidays in our rearview mirror, we remember all we are thankful for and are reminded to celebrate on a daily basis. Living and working in the bustling mecca of Austin, Texas is at the top of our gratitude list.

While home sales, and thus inspections, tend to experience a lull in the winter months, that has not been true in 2019. In fact, December was one of our busiest months this year! We are elated to share that with the help of amazing real estate experts across Central Texas, we inspected nearly 1,000 homes in 2019. We extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who trusts our team with your business and your home. We look forward to working with even more agents and homebuyers in 2020. If you’re in the market, here’s what we might expect as the new decade begins:

  • Austin is number one. It comes as no surprise that Austin will be the top market in real estate in 2020, according to the annual Emerging Trends in Real Estate report. Although traffic and affordability are issues noted in the report, Austin also took home the highest local expectation of investor demand.
  • Will the market continue to rise? Short answer: YES. According to Mashvisor, a thriving young population, talented workforce, economic growth and tourism account for Austin’s rise in popularity. As property prices continue to rise above the national average, the metro area has the population and economy to warrant it, with no bubble in sight. Mashvisor projects an increase demand for single family homes with the possibility of a shift toward a buyer’s market.

So, what does this all mean for us? The Austin real estate market is HOT and only getting hotter as we usher in a new decade. As you prepare to sell or buy a home, we hope you will trust our team with your inspection. We’ve been in the game since 2003, and Randy Barfield was one of the first inspectors in Texas to become state licensed. We value you, your business and will always tell you like it is.

We look forward to working with you in 2020. For the latest tips, tricks and real estate market information, follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Cheers to a happy and prosperous new year!