Keeping Your AC in Shape for Summer

By July 27, 2018Home Maintenance Tips

During these hot summer months, it is important to keep up with your air conditioning (AC) unit maintenance. In addition to changing the return air filter in your HVAC system, try cleaning the AC condensate drain line to make sure your AC unit is running at its best. By simply pouring a cup of bleach or white vinegar down the line, you can prevent algae and dirt from blocking the drain line and interfering with air quality. In most cases, this is a relatively easy process. However, some AC units may be more difficult than others and require a professional. Check out the video below from Today’s Homeowner for a quick tutorial on how to do it yourself!

Home maintenance tasks such as this are always a good investment. Regular home maintenance can save you money, prevent things from breaking, add value to your home, and overall keep your home running efficiently.

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